Upcoming Seminars
5th March 2025 - 10am GMT
Max Schult
Previous Seminars
4th December 2024 - 10am GMT
Rabeea Kiran - Spontaneous Skyrmion Formation and Dynamics in a Two-Component Bose Einstein Condensate
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Advancements in magnetic and optical techniques allow for precise spin manipulation in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Consequently, BECs with spin degrees of freedom serve as an ideal platform for studying topological structures such as skyrmions. Both theoretical and experimental studies have focused on creating three-dimensional (3D) skyrmions in multicomponent BECs, with various methods proposed for generating these structures. In this study, we investigate the spontaneous generation of 3D skyrmions in a two-component BEC confined in a harmonic trap, along with their dynamical properties. We propose a method for creating linked vortex rings and generating 3D skyrmions from unstable overlapped vortex rings in two components. By numerically solving the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation, we show that the spontaneous generation of skyrmions in a two-component BEC is obtained depending on the inter-atomic interaction parameter. Notably, we find a specific range of interaction parameter for such dynamics. The parameter range for skyrmion generation is confirmed through Bogoliubov analysis. Additionally, we have performed numerical simulations using realistic parameters, suggesting that this phenomenon is experimentally feasible.
27th November 2024 - 10am GMT
Roberto Menta - New analytic magnetic Skyrmion solutions
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Magnetic Skyrmions are described by one control parameter (ϵ) and one length scale. In this talk, we investigate the two extreme limits of the control parameter, infinitely large and vanishing, and find that the magnetic Skyrmion becomes a "restricted" magnetic Skyrmion and an O(3) sigma model lump, respectively. Depending on the potential under consideration, the restricted limit manifests differently. In the case of the Zeeman term, the restricted magnetic Skyrmion becomes a "supercompacton" that develops a discontinuity, whereas for the Zeeman term to the power 3/2 it becomes a normal compacton. In both the lump and the restricted limit the solution is given in exact explicit form. We observe that the case of the Zeeman term squared, which can also be understood as a special combination of the Zeeman term and the easy-plane potential, the analytically exact solution for all values of the coupling, including the critical BPS case, is also of the lump type. Finally, we notice that certain materials (e.g., Fe1-xCoxSi or Mn1-xFexGe) have a rather large control parameter ϵ of order 100, making the restricted limit a suitable rough approximation.
In the final part of the talk, I provide a brief overview of a recent generalization of magnetic skyrmions to three dimensions, extending their theoretical framework to an S3 target space with a four-dimensional magnetization vector. This higher-dimensional approach reveals rich solitonic physics. In the simplest model, incorporating exchange interaction, DMI, and an external potential, we identify a Skyrmion and a sphaleron. Adding the Skyrme term further enriches the spectrum, yielding a small metastable Skyrmion, an unstable sphaleron, and a large stable Skyrmion.
20th November 2024 - 10am GMT
Markus Amano - Holographic Global Vortices with Novel Boundary Conditions
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The AdS/CFT correspondence has significantly impacted the study of strongly coupled systems, providing insights into various condensed matter phenomena through its holographic duality. This paper introduces an alternative approach to the breaking of the global U(1) symmetry in the bulk in two asymptotically AdS spacetimes: AdS with a hard wall and the AdS black brane. We explore a (3+1)-dimensional bulk U(1) symmetry-breaking vacuum within a global U(1) φ4 field theory, without the gauge field present in prior models. We find that the symmetry-breaking vacuum requires the mass squared to be proportional to the quartic coupling. Additionally, we investigate numerical solutions of topologically stable vortex strings extending into the bulk.
13th November 2024 - 10am GMT
Maximilian Bachmaier - Exploring solutions to the magnetic monopole problem
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The standard model of particle physics is a good approximation for lower energy scales. In the early hot universe, however, it is assumed that there was a so-called grand unified theory, which unifies the three fundamental forces of particle physics: the electromagnetic, the weak, and the strong force. However, all attempts to unify these three forces lead to a possible overabundance of 't Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopoles. But why magnetic monopoles haven't been observed so far? In my presentation, I will discuss the so-called magnetic monopole problem and present two solutions for this in more detail. First, I will present our numerical study on monopole interactions with domain walls in an SU(2) gauge theory. We observe that the collision leads to the erasure of the magnetic monopoles and thus may solve the monopole problem (Dvali, Liu, and Vachaspati 1997). Second, I will present monopoles connected by cosmic strings (Langacker, Pi 1980), particularly focusing on the "slingshot effect" that describes monopoles traversing the boundary between Coulomb and confining phases. This passage causes the gauge field to be confined in a cosmic string connected to the domain wall separating the two phases. These two phenomena, relevant in the early universe, could leave observable imprints such as gravitational radiation.
22nd August 2024 - 4:30pm BST
Nicholas Manton (@GMoM2024) - Summary and Discussion
22nd August 2024 - 3:50pm BST
Christoph Adam (@GMoM2024) - Skyrme Crystals, Nuclear Matter and Compact Stars. Watch on YouTube.
22nd August 2024 - 2:40pm BST
Claire Cisowski (@GMoM2024) - Paraxial optical skyrmions. Watch on YouTube.
22nd August 2024 - 2:00pm BST
Bernd Schroers (@GMoM2024) - Geometry and dynamics of chiral magnetic Skyrmions. Watch on YouTube.
22nd August 2024 - 11:50am BST
Nuno Romão (@GMoM2024) - Vortex moduli in toric fibre bundles. Watch on YouTube.
22nd August 2024 - 11:10am BST
Nora Gavrea (@GMoM2024) - Multi-vortices from the Sinh-Gordon and Tzitzeica equations. Watch on YouTube.
22nd August 2024 - 10:00am BST
Andrzej Wereszczynski (@GMoM2024) - Dynamics of excited BPS solitons. Watch on YouTube.
22nd August 2024 - 9:20am BST
Luis Alvarez-Consul (@GMoM2024) - Gravitating vortices and symplectic reduction by stages. Watch on YouTube.
21st August 2024 - 3:50pm BST
Theodora Ioannidou (@GMoM2024) - The SU(2) Lie-Poisson algebra & its descendants. Watch on YouTube.
21st August 2024 - 2:40pm BST
Ragini Singhal (@GMoM2024) - Instantons on nearly parallel G2 manifolds. Watch on YouTube.
21st August 2024 - 2:00pm BST
Tathagata Ghosh (@GMoM2024) - Instantons and monopoles in dimensions 7 and 8. Watch on YouTube.
21st August 2024 - 11:50am BST
Maciej Dunajski (@GMoM2024) - Twistor theory of Chen-Teo instantons. Watch on YouTube.
21st August 2024 - 11:10am BST
Benoit Charbonneau (@GMoM2024) - Lowest charge symmetric instantons
21st August 2024 - 10:00am BST
Josh Cork (@GMoM2024) - Finkelstein-Rubinstein constraints from ADHM data and rational maps
21st August 2024 - 9:20am BST
Paul Sutcliffe (@GMoM2024) - Skyrmions and ADHM. Watch on YouTube.
20th August 2024 - 2:40pm BST
Christopher Lang (@GMoM2024) - Instantons with continuous symmetries. Watch on YouTube.
20th August 2024 - 2:00pm BST
Harry Braden (@GMoM2024) - Monopoles with symmetry. Watch on YouTube.
20th August 2024 - 11:50am BST
Andy Royston (@GMoM2024) - Solitons and the extended Bogomolny equations with jumping data. Watch on YouTube.
20th August 2024 - 11:10am BST
Sergey Cherkis (@GMoM2024) - Gravitational instantons as monopole moduli spaces. Watch on YouTube.
20th August 2024 - 10:00am BST
Jaime Mendizabal (@GMoM2024) - Hyper-Kähler moduli spaces of monopoles with arbitrary symmetry breaking
20th August 2024 - 9:20am BST
Alberto Garcí Martín-Caro (@GMoM2024) - Moduli space dynamics of near extremal black holes. Watch on YouTube.
19th August 2024 - 4:30pm BST
Maximillian Bachmaier (@GMoM2024) - The slingshot effect: Scattering monopoles from Coulomb into the confining vacuum. Watch on YouTube.
19th August 2024 - 3:50pm BST
Yakov Shnir (@GMoM2024) - Self-gravitating monopoles and Skyrmions with localized fermions. Watch on YouTube.
19th August 2024 - 2:40pm BST
Stefano Bolognesi (@GMoM2024) - The monopole-fermion problem in a chiral gauge theory. Watch on YouTube.
19th August 2024 - 2:00pm BST
Kinga Gawrych (@GMoM2024) - Circumventing Derrick's Theorem - Constructing topological solitons in Electroweak Theory. Watch on YouTube.
19th August 2024 - 11:50am BST
Jarah Evslin (@GMoM2024) - Quantum kink-meson scattering. Watch on YouTube.
19th August 2024 - 11:10am BST
Katarzyna Sławińska (@GMoM2024) - Amplitude modulations and resonant decays of excited oscillons. Watch on YouTube.
19th August 2024 - 10:00am BST
Nicholas Manton (@GMoM2024) - Skyrmions - Shapes and Dynamics. Watch on YouTube.
28th June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Sergio Navarro Obregon (@SIG XII) - Exploring the influence of the internal structure on the sphaleron decay
28th June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Francisco Villatoro (@SIG XII) - Recent advances in compacton-anticompacton collisions
27th June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Ehevaldo dos Santos Costa Filho (@SIG XII) - Proca stars
27th June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Steffen Krusch (@SIG XII) - Kinks and impurities
26th June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Tom Winyard (@SIG XII) - Experimental signatures of topological solitons in condensed matter
26th June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Derek Harland (@SIG XII) - L2 geometry of hyperbolic monopoles
25th June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Filip Blaschke (@SIG XII) - Oscillons and Kinks in Frankensteinian models
25th June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Martin Speight (@SIG XII) - Vortex lattices in anisotropic superconductors
24th June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Paul Leask (@SIG XII) - (In)compressibility of infinite nuclear matter from skyrmion crystals stabilized by omega-mesons
24th June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Herbert Weigel (@SIG XII) - Dirac sea effects for compounds of kinks and (excited) fermions
21st June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Jorge Castello (@SIG XII) - Universal relations for spinning bosonic stars
21st June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Carlos Naya Rodriguez (@SIG XII) - Carbon-12 in the generalized Skyrme model
20th June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Tomek Romanczukiewicz (@SIG XII) - Perturbation of Q-balls: from spectral structure to radiation pressure
20th June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Jose Queiruga (@SIG XII) - The intenal structure of some solitons
19th June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Daniel Canillas (@SIG XII) - Non-linear Sigma models with Q-ball/Q-Kink solutions
19th June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Paul Saffin (@SIG XII) - Superradiance and Q-Balls
18th June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Alberto Alonso-Izquierdo & Morgan Rees (@SIG XII) - Scattering of Vortices with Excited Normal Modes
18th June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Nick Manton & Andrzej Wereszczynski (@SIG XII) - Collective Coordinate Models for 2-Vortex Shape Mode Dynamics
17th June 2024 - 1:30pm BST
Alberto Garcia Martin-Caro (@SIG XII) - A universal effective action for domain wall dynamics
17th June 2024 - 9:30am BST
Mikhail Shifman (@SIG XII) - Baby Skyrmions Lie-algeraic generalizations: properites and applications in various dimensions
22nd May 2024 - 10am BST
Christoph Adam - Integral identities and universal relations for solitons
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We show that any nonlinear field theory giving rise to static solutions with finite energy like, e.g., topological solitons, allows us to derive a continuous infinity of integral identities which any such solution has to obey. These integral identities can always be understood as being generated by field transformations and their related Noether currents. Further, we consider applications of these identities to a broad class of nonlinear scalar theories, including the Skyrme model. More concretely, we find nontrivial integral identities that can be seen as model-independent relations between certain physical properties of the solitons in such theories, and we comment on the possible connection between these new relations and those already found in the context of astrophysical compact objects. We also demonstrate the usefulness of said identities to estimate the precision of the numerical calculation of soliton observables.
15th May 2024 - 10am BST
Josh Cork - Quantizing the Skyrme model with instantons
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To extract physical properties of nuclei in the Skyrme model, a semi-classical approach is taken involving studying quantum mechanics on a suitable finite-dimensional configuration space. This is necessary due to the mathematical complexity of the model, and over the years many different approaches have arisen which each have their own advantages and disadvantages. In recent years, several sophisticated tools have been developed in the context of one of these approaches - the instanton approximation - which amongst all approximations allows the most diverse range of configurations to be studied. In this talk we shall review this recent progress, and illustrate in detail how these tools may be applied explicitly via an example: a quantization of the 8-skyrmion, which models the Beryllium-8 nucleus. This talk is based on arXiv:2403.17080, joint work with Chris Halcrow.
8th May 2024 - 10am BST
Luiza Angheluta-Bauer - Flows and Topological Changes During Tissue Morphogenesis
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Collective structural arrangements and cell migration are important physical processes underlying tissue development and regeneration. Understanding the complexity of cell-cell interactions and the emergence of collective behaviors at the tissue scale presents formidable challenges both experimentally and theoretically.
In this talk, I will discuss recent theoretical work on the dynamical patterns that emerge at the tissue scale from localized rearrangements and topological defects. Using a multi-phase field model, we demonstrate that tissue fluidity stems from cell neighbor exchanges, serving as transient sources of vortical flow. This flow emerges from the relative dispersion of cells at a rate proportional to the frequency of rearrangements. Balancing collective migration with relative cell motion appears to be essential for maintaining tissue shape and fluidity. Using a cell-based model, we study the tissue's response to the presence of a vortex. While solid-like behavior tends toward conical shapes, localized fluidization triggers the transition to a tube, which is fundamental in biological tissues.
24th April 2024 - 10am BST
Muneto Nitta - Topological solitons stabilized by a background gauge field and soliton-anti-soliton asymmetry
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We study topological lumps supported by the second homotopy group π2(S2)≃ℤ in a gauged O(3) model without any potential term coupled with a (non)dynamical U(1) gauge field. It is known that gauged-lumps are stable with an easy-plane potential term but are unstable to expand if the model has no potential term. In this paper, we find that these gauged lumps without a potential term can be made stable by putting them in a uniform magnetic field, irrespective of whether the gauge field is dynamical or not. In the case of the non-dynamical gauge field, only either of lumps or anti-lumps stably exists depending on the sign of the background magnetic field, and the other is unstable to shrink to be singular. We also construct coaxial multiple lumps whose size and mass exhibit a behaviour of droplets. In the case of the dynamical gauge field, both the lumps and anti-lumps stably exist with different masses; the lighter (heavier) one corresponds to the (un)stable one in the case of the nondynamical gauge field. We find that a lump behaves as a superconducting ring and traps magnetic field in its inside, with the total magnetic field reduced from the background magnetic field. Based on the paper: arXiv:2403.06778.
10th April 2024 - 10am BST
Stefano Bolognesi & Lorenzo Bartolini - Mass and Isospin Breaking Effects in the Skyrme Model and in Holographic QCD
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We discuss how the quark masses and their mass splitting affect the baryons in the Skyrme model as well as the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto (WSS) model. In both cases baryons are described by solitonic objects, i.e. Skyrmions and instantons, respectively. After the quantization of their zeromodes the nucleons become quantum states of a rotor. We show how the quark mass affects the moment of inertia and we provide a semi-analytic approach valid in the small mass limit. Additionally, we show how the two lightest quarks' mass splitting affects the moments of inertia of the Skyrmion and induces an isospin breaking effect. This effect turns out not to be enough to split the degeneracy in the neutron-proton multiplet, but it splits some of the states in the Delta multiplet. Unlike the basic Skyrme model, the WSS model already includes vector mesons and another mechanism to transfer isospin breaking from quark masses to the solitons is known. We compute the splitting of the moment of inertia in the small-mass limit in the WSS model and combine the two effects on the spectrum of baryons, in particular the Deltas. Based on arXiv:2312.15404.
3rd April 2024 - 10am BST (NOTE: clocks have changed in Europe)
Bruno Barton-Singer - Perturbative corrections to geodesic motion on moduli spaces
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In the limit of low kinetic energy, the motion of solitons is often well described by solutions of the geodesic equation on the moduli space of static solutions. However, in certain examples, such as the collapse of sigma model lumps in 2+1D and Yang-Mills instantons in 4+1D, this approximation breaks down. We introduce a general method for generating corrections to this equation in powers of the velocity, using Lyapunov-Schmidt decomposition. This method generalises that of Bizon, Sigal and Ovchinnikov, who used it to find an analytical explanation of the slow collapse of an instanton. We will review that result and discuss new insights from the more general method. Time permitting, we will also talk about the extension of this method to moduli spaces with potential.
27th March 2024 - 10am GMT
Kentaro Nishimura - Domain-wall Skyrmion phase in a rapidly rotating QCD matter
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Based on the chiral perturbation theory at the leading order, we show a signal of the presence of a new phase in rapidly rotating QCD matter with two flavors, that is a domain-wall Skyrmion phase. Based on the chiral Lagrangian with a Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) term responsible for the chiral anomaly and chiral vortical effect, it was shown that the ground state is a chiral soliton lattice (CSL) consisting of a stack of η-solitons in a high density region under rapid rotation. In a large parameter region, a single η-soliton decays into a pair of non-Abelian solitons, each of which carries SU(2)V / U(1) ≃ ℂP1 ≃ S2 moduli as a consequence of the spontaneously broken vector symmetry SU(2)V. In such a non-Abelian CSL, we construct the effective world-volume theory of a single non-Abelian soliton to obtain a d = 2+1 dimensional ℂP1 model with a topological term originated from the WZW term. We show that when the chemical potential is larger than a critical value, a topological lump supported by the second homotopy group π2(S2) ≃ ℤ has negative energy and is spontaneously created, implying the domain-wall Skyrmion phase. This lump corresponds in the bulk to a Skyrmion supported by the third homotopy group π3[SU(2)] ≃ ℤ carrying a baryon number. This composite state is called a domain-wall Skyrmion, and is stable even in the absence of the Skyrme term. An analytic formula for the effective nucleon mass in this medium can be written only in terms of the meson's constants as 4√2π fπfη / mπ ∼ 1.21 GeV with the decay constants fπ and fη of the pions and η meson, respectively, and the pion mass mπ. This is reasonably heavier than the nucleon mass in the QCD vacuum.
20th March 2024 - 10am GMT
Hannah Price - Superfluid vortices in four spatial dimensions
Watch on YouTube.Quantum vortices in superfluids have been an important research area for many decades. Naturally, research on this topic has focused on two-dimensional (2D) and 3D superfluids, in which vortex cores form points and lines, respectively. Very recently, however, there has been growing interest in the quantum simulation of systems with four spatial dimensions; this raises the question of how vortices would behave in a higher-dimensional superfluid. In this talk, I will introduce our recent works on vortices in 4D superfluids under rotation, where the vortex core can form a plane. By solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we find that suitable rotations can stabilise a pair of vortex planes intersecting at a point. We also find states containing pairs of skewed and curved vortex planes, which have no direct analogue in lower dimensions. Our work opens up many directions for future research into the phenomenology of topological defects in higher dimensions.
6th March 2024 - 10am GMT
Jarah Evslin & Hui Liu - Quantum Kink-Meson Scattering
Watch on YouTube.We review a new formalism for treating quantum solitons which is much simpler than alternatives such as collective coordinates and less computationally intensive than Hamiltonian truncation. It is particularly simple in the one-soliton sector. We review the formalism and we use it to compute the leading amplitudes and probabilities for inelastic and elastic kink-meson scattering. In particular, we find a peak in the elastic scattering amplitude corresponding to the excitation of the resonance corresponding to the unstable twice-excited shape mode.
28th February 2024 - 10am GMT
Alberto Garcia Martin-Caro - The Skyrmion radius zoo and neutron skin thickness
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Understanding the internal structure of hadrons and atomic nuclei remains an important challenge in low-energy nuclear physics. By measuring form factors (FFs) associated with various interactions, crucial information about local densities of properties like charge, energy, and spin is obtained. While electromagnetic FFs are well-established, measurements of those related to weak forces or gravity are less precise. However, recent advancements in parity-violating scattering experiments have enabled a precise determination of the neutron skin thickness (NST) in heavy nuclei, revealing insights into the isospin breaking part of the strong force by quantifying the disparity between proton and neutron distributions within a nucleus. In this talk, I will demonstrate the computation of local densities and associated radii within the Skyrme model in order to make predictions of the pressure distribution and NST of nuclei, testable against recent and prospective experimental results. The talk will be based on: arXiv:2312.04335 and arXiv:2312.12984.
17th January 2024 - 10am GMT
Juan Mateos Guilarte - Spectral flow of vortex shape modes over the BPS 2-vortex moduli space
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The flow of shape eigenmodes of the small fluctuation operator around BPS 2-vortex solutions is calculated, as a function of the intervortex separation 2d. For the rotationally-invariant 2-vortex, with d = 0, there are three discrete modes; the lowest is non-degenerate and the upper two are degenerate. As d increases, the degeneracy splits, with one eigenvalue increasing and entering the continuous spectrum, and the other decreasing and asymptotically coalescing with the lowest eigenvalue, where they jointly become the eigenvalue of the 1-vortex radial shape mode. The behaviour of the eigenvalues near d = 0 is clarified using a perturbative analysis, and also in light of the 2-vortex moduli space geometry. This talk is based on the paper arXiv:2310.17486.
6th December 2023 - 10am GMT
Yuki Amari - Domain-Wall Skyrmions in Chiral Magnets
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Magnetic skyrmions have been extensively studied for over a decade. They are considered to have applications as information carriers in next-generation magnetic memories. However, controlling their motion has a difficulty because the trajectory of skyrmions is forced to bend when we drive them using an electric current. This phenomenon is called the skyrmion Hall effect, which is a major obstacle for skyrmion-based technologies. In this talk, we consider domain-wall skyrmions, which are magnetic skyrmions confined within a magnetic domain wall. Domain-wall skyrmions are promising candidates for information carriers in next-generation magnetic memories instead of magnetic skyrmions on a ferromagnetic background because they move along the domain wall and are not subject to the skyrmion Hall effect. We construct domain-wall skyrmion in chiral magnets through both analytical and numerical methodologies, and find a good agreement between the results of the two approaches. We will also discuss the (in)stability of the domain-wall skyrmions in the ferromagnetic phase and chiral soliton lattice phase, also called the spiral phase, in which the ground state is a periodic array of domain walls. This talk is based on the papers arXiv:2311.05174, arXiv:2307.11113, and on-going work.
29th November 2023 - 10am GMT
Philip Boyle Smith - Fermion-Monopole Scattering and Generalised Symmetries
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When a fermion bounces off a monopole, there is apparently nothing sensible that can bounce back. Symmetries force the result to have quantum numbers that are not carried by any particles in the theory. In this talk, we'll discuss how the missing final state can be interpreted as the twisted sector of an ABJ defect, meaning it emerges attached to the monopole by a codimension-one topological surface. We'll give a 2d justification of this statement, and finish with some remaining puzzles.
22nd November 2023 - 10am GMT
Juan Sebastián - The erasure of topological defects: Domain walls swept away strings and monopoles
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The interaction of defects can lead to a phenomenon of erasure. During this process, a lower-dimensional object gets absorbed and dissolved by a higher-dimensional one. The phenomenon is very general and has many cosmological and fundamental implications. In particular, all types of strings, such as cosmic strings, QCD flux tubes, or fundamental strings, get erased when encountering a defect, either solitonic or a D-brane that deconfines their fluxes. It leads to a novel mechanism of cosmic string breakup, accompanied by gravitational and electromagnetic radiations. Arguments based on loss of coherence and the entropy count suggest that the erasure probability is very close to one, and strings never make it through the deconfining layer. We confirm this by a numerical simulation of the system, which effectively captures the essence of the phenomenon: a 2+1-dimensional problem of interaction between a Nielsen-Olesen vortex of a U(1) Higgs model and a domain wall, inside which the U(1) gauge group is un-Higgsed and the magnetic flux is deconfined. Following the entropy argument, the vortex never crosses the wall.
Furthermore, we study the interactions between 't Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopoles and domain walls formed by the same order parameter within an SU(2) gauge theory. We observe that the collision leads to the erasure of the magnetic monopoles, as suggested by Dvali et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2281 (1998)]. The domain wall represents a layer of vacuum with un-Higgsed SU(2) gauge symmetry. When the monopole enters the wall, it unwinds, and the magnetic charge spreads. We perform numerical simulations of the collision process, particularly analyzing the angular distribution of the emitted electromagnetic radiation. As in the previous studies, we observe that erasure always occurs. Although not forbidden by conservation laws, the monopole never passes through the wall.
The erasure phenomenon has important implications for cosmology, as it sheds a very different light on the monopole abundance in postinflationary phase transitions and provides potentially observable imprints in the form of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation. The phenomenon also sheds light on fundamental aspects of gauge theories with coexisting phases, such as confining and Higgs phases.
Ancillary videos:
15th November 2023 - 4pm GMT
Omer Albayrak - Creating kinks with a quantum bridge
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Solitons are intriguing and complex phenomena that have been a subject of interest in various fields of physics including cosmology and high-energy physics. The creation of these non-dissipative, localized solutions in the early universe can give insight to cosmological phase transitions. Although they are well studied as classical objects, their complete quantum interpretation has been elusive. In this talk, I will establish an exploratory novel method to create them with quantum excitations in 1+1 dimensions using the classical-quantum correspondence (CQC).
8th November 2023 - 4pm GMT
Vishal Patil - Topological dynamics of knotted and tangled matter
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Knots and tangles play a fundamental role in the dynamics of biological and physical systems, from DNA and root networks to surgical sutures and shoelaces. Despite having been studied for centuries, the subtle interplay between topology and mechanics in tangled elastic filaments remains poorly understood. Here we investigate the dynamical rules governing the behavior of knotted and tangled matter. We first study the human-designed knots used to tie ropes together. By developing an analogy with long-range ferromagnetic spin systems, we identify simple topological counting rules to predict the relative mechanical stability of commonly used climbing and sailing knots. Secondly, we examine the complex tangling dynamics exhibited by California blackworms, which form living tangled structures in minutes but can rapidly untangle in milliseconds. Using ultrasound imaging datasets, we construct a minimal model that explains how the kinematics of individual active filaments determines their emergent collective topological dynamics. By identifying generic dynamical principles of topological transformations, our results can provide guidance for designing classes of self-adaptive topological metamaterials.
1st November 2023 - 10am GMT (NOTE: clocks have changed in Europe)
Steven Cotterill - Spontaneous Hopf Fibration in the 2HDM
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I will discuss monopole and vortex configurations within the Two Higgs Doublet Model, whose potential has either an SO(3) or U(1) Higgs family symmetry and where energetic considerations enforce a "spontaneous Hopf fibration" of the standard model topology. I will present these solutions, characterise their basic properties and demonstrate the nature of the fibration along with the connection to Nambu's monopole solution. The breaking of the electromagnetic U(1) in the core of the defects can be a feature which leads to a localised non-zero photon mass.
25th October 2023 - 4pm BST
Callum Jones - Classical Dynamics of Vortex Solitons from Perturbative Scattering Amplitudes
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In this talk I will present an analytic, perturbative approach to describing interactions between ANO vortex solitons in the critical Abelian Higgs (Landau-Ginzburg) model in d=2+1. By formally continuing from integer-valued winding number N to real values and expanding around N=0, a new separation of scales emerges allowing for the construction of a novel point-particle effective description. In this new description, familiar Feynman diagrammatic methods together with more modern scattering amplitudes and EFT technology, can be used to efficiently construct a non-relativistic effective point-particle Hamiltonian order-by-order in N but at all-orders in velocity. The main novel result of this talk is an analytic expression for the two-body Hamiltonian at next-to-leading-order (one-loop) and the associated contribution to the metric on the 2-vortex moduli space.
7th June 2023 - 10am BST
Guido Franchetti- The asymptotic structure of the hyperbolic 2-monopole moduli space
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It is well known that, in contrast with the Euclidean case, the L2 metric on the moduli space of hyperbolic monopoles is not well defined. It is certainly possible to define a moduli space metric by other means, and there are various proposals in the literature. However whether or not these proposed metrics have any relation with the adiabatic dynamics of hyperbolic monopoles is unclear. To better understand this point, in this talk I describe what the asymptotic behaviour of a metric capturing the dynamics of 2 hyperbolic monopoles should be. The result is derived making used of the point particle approximation and, in analogy with the Euclidean case, the resulting metric is a hyperbolic version of negative mass Taub-NUT. This talk is based on arXiv:2302.13792 in collaboration with Calum Ross.
31st May 2023 - 10am BST
Tomáš Brauner - Chiral soliton lattice in quark matter under extreme conditions
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The lightest hadrons observed in nature are pseudoscalar mesons: the pions. These can be viewed as quark-antiquark bound states and therefore have vanishing baryon number; they do not constitute matter in the usual sense. However, as proposed long ago by Skyrme, baryon number can emerge effectively as a topological charge, carried by topologically nontrivial pion field configurations. The formation of such solitons – the skyrmions – is associated with a characteristic energy scale, corresponding to the scale of the nucleon mass. In this talk, I will introduce a novel phase of quark matter where a topologically realized baryon number appears at low energies, provided a suitable external field is present. Indeed, I will show that in sufficiently strong magnetic fields, a one-dimensional soliton lattice carrying baryon number becomes the ground state of quantum chromodynamics. The basic theoretical description of this Chiral Soliton Lattice (CSL) phase is very well known, and relies on the mathematics of a simple pendulum. I will discuss to some extent the spectrum of fluctuations of the CSL state and the effect of these fluctuations on the phase diagram. In the last part of the talk, I will give an overview of related work on the realizations of the CSL phase in quark matter under a variety of external conditions.
24th May 2023 - 10am BST
Filipp Rybakov - Braids formed by skyrmion strings
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Magnetic skyrmions are vortex-like spin textures in two dimensions, while in the third dimension, they resemble strings or strands.
We will consider the solutions of the field theory model and experimental observations of how such strings intertwine and form statically stable skyrmion braids in chiral magnets such as B20 FeGe.
Based on Nat. Commun. 12, 5316 (2021).
17th May 2023 - 10am BST
Giacomo Santoni - Aspects of the Electroweak Skyrmion
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The Electroweak Skyrmion (EWS) is a non-topological soliton of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model that arises when a stabilizing dimension-8 operator is included. We present a numerical solution of the equations of motion, which provides the mass, the radius and the magnetic moment of the classical EWS. We also discuss the quantization of the light degrees of freedom (spin, isospin and breather) and show that the EWS is a boson. From the classical solution, we infer the interaction potential between two well-separated EWSs and the fermionic number arising from the coupling between the soliton fields and the Standard Model leptons. We discuss the quantum stability of the EWS and roughly estimate its decay rate. Based on arXiv:2303.07164.
22nd March 2023 - 10am GMT
Matthew Edmonds - Dark quantum droplets and solitary waves in beyond-mean-field Bose-Einstein condensate mixtures
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Quantum liquid-like states of matter have been realised in an ongoing series of experiments with ultracold Bose gases. These peculiar states of matter have been studied experimentally in dipolar and binary quantum gases, arising due to the balance between the van der Waals interactions and the Lee-Huang-Yang (LHY) correction, originating from quantum fluctuations. Using a combination of analytical and numerical methods we identify the specific criteria for the existence of dark solitons in beyond-mean-field binary condensates, revealing how these excitations exist for both repulsive and attractive interactions, the latter leading to dark quantum droplets with properties intermediate between a dark soliton and a quantum droplet. The phenomenology of the these excitations are explored within the full parameter space of the model, revealing the novel spatial profile of the excitation that differs significantly from the Zakharov-Shabat (ZS) soliton; leading to a negative effective mass that is enhanced in the presence of the quantum fluctuations. Finally the dynamics of pairs of the excitations are explored, showing non-integrable dynamics and dark soliton bound-states in the attractive regime.
15th March 2023 - 10am GMT
Kaushlendra Kumar - Exact gauge fields from anti-de Sitter space
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In 1977 Lüscher found a class of SO(4)-symmetric SU(2) Yang--Mills solutions in Minkowski space, which have been rederived 40 years later by employing the isometry S3 ≅ SU(2) and conformally mapping SU(2)-equivariant solutions of the Yang--Mills equations on (two copies of) de Sitter space dS4 ≅ ℝ × S3. Here we present the noncompact analog of this construction via AdS3 ≅ SU(1,1). On (two copies of) anti-de Sitter space AdS4 ≅ ℝ × AdS3 we write down SU(1,1)-equivariant Yang--Mills solutions and conformally map them to ℝ(1,3). This yields a two-parameter family of exact SU(1,1) Yang--Mills solutions on Minkowski space, whose field strengths are essentially rational functions of Cartesian coordinates. Gluing the two AdS copies happens on a dS3 hyperboloid in Minkowski space, and our Yang--Mills configurations are singular on a two-dimensional hyperboloid dS3 ∩ ℝ(1,2). This renders their action and the energy infinite, although the field strengths fall off fast asymptotically except along the lightcone. We also construct Abelian solutions, which share these properties but are less symmetric and of zero action.
8th March 2023 - 10am GMT
Jaime Mendizabal- A Construction of Monopole Moduli Spaces for Arbitrary Symmetry Breaking
Monopoles over Euclidean 3-space have been studied in great detail for the gauge group SU(2), where we know that they form moduli spaces which carry complete hyper-Kahler metrics. For higher gauge groups, however, there are still many open questions. In this talk, based on upcoming work, we will provide a construction of the moduli space of monopoles for arbitrary gauge group and symmetry breaking, which is purely differential-geometric, and provides a hyper-Kahler metric
1st March 2032, 1pm GMT
Tomasz Romańczukiewicz and Nick Manton - The Simplest Oscillon and its Sphaleron
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We have constructed a small-amplitude oscillon solution for a simple 1-d scalar field theory with cubic potential, using the Fodor et al. expansion. The theory also has an exact sphaleron solution, which can decay slowly, via a larger-amplitude oscillon. The sphaleron's two discrete linearised modes, the unstable mode and a vibrational mode, provide a useful truncation of the field theory, connecting the sphaleron and the oscillon. We show how these various approximations tie together.
22nd February 2023, 10am GMT
Ivan Smalyukh - Crystals and clusters of three-dimensional topological solitons in liquid crystals and magnets
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8th February 2023 - 10am GMT
Peter Gerlagh - Bogomolny solutions in non-axisymmetric chiral magnets
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We characterise skyrmions in Bogomolny models of chiral magnets without axisymetry. We show a duality between these Bogomolny models and the specific Bogomolny model wherein the so-called DMI tensor is rank one. The potential in these models have two separate minimums and corresponding stationary vacuums. Exact solutions with skyrmions are build around a domain wall which separates these vacuums. The domain walls themselves can be characterised by a position and an angle.
1st February 2023 - 10am GMT
Harry Braden - Curves and Monopoles: Old and New
The modern approach to integrable systems typically proceeds via a curve, the spectral curve, with the parameters of the curve encoding the actions of the system and the solutions of the integrable system being built from appropriate functions on the curve. I will describe some generic features of this approach, focussing particularly on the curve, and illustrate a number of new and old results. Throughout I will focus on BPS monopoles for the system of equations of interest though the results are more widely applicable.
14th December 2022, 10am GMT
Maxim Chernodub - Rotation with imaginary angular frequency in Yang-Mills theories: calorons, phase structure, and fractals
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We find an instanton (caloron) solution in the finite-temperature SU(2) gluon gas subjected to (imaginary, in Euclidean spacetime) rotation. We demonstrate that the imaginary rotation leads to the delocalization of its topological charge over fractionally charged constituents. Furthermore, we show that in the high-temperature limit, the rapidly-rotating caloron becomes a ``circulon'': a self-dual monopole (dyon) possessing a spatial toroidal core. We also present the results of first-principle numerical simulations of Euclidean SU(3) Yang-Mills plasma rotating with a high imaginary angular frequency and discuss fractal thermodynamics associated with imaginary rotation.
7th December 2022 - 10am GMT
Kai Shao - Vortices and cosmic strings in the Born-Infeld model
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The Born-Infeld theory has long been an important nonlinear model in electrodynamics. The model was introduced by Max Born and Leopold Infeld to overcome the issue of the infinite energy of electric point charge. This talk is focused on vortices and cosmic strings in the Born-Infeld theory. After a brief introduction to the classical Born-Infeld model, I will discuss a generalized Born-Infeld model and its BPS equations. I will present the existence of the solution with prescribed vortices to the system using the method from PDE. After that, I will discuss the cosmic string problem when the equations of motion of the Born-Infeld model are coupled with the Einstein equations. The cosmic strings are realized as static solutions with prescribed zeros to the coupled system. I will also discuss the proof of the existence of such solutions.
30th November 2022 - 10am GMT
Filip Blaschke - Mechanization of scalar fields in 1+1-dimensions - An agnostic approach to Collective Coordinate Models
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We present a general-purpose Collective Coordinate Model for scalar field dynamics in 1+1 dimensions that we dubb `mechanization'. The idea is to `chop up' a continuous field into N straight segments. The positions of joints and slopes of the segments become the collective coordinates in a family of effective mechanical theories.
We show that even such a simplistic `triangulation' of configuration space does capture all essential phenomena of field dynamics in the case of the ϕ4 model. We emphasize the benefits and drawbacks of our approach and point out future directions.
16th November 2022, 10am GMT
Pawel Klimas - Compact oscillons
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Compact oscillons are peculiar exact solutions in the signum Gordon model. Unperturbed, they live indefinitely without losing energy. They also play an important role as a mechanism of emission of energy from excited kinks in models with non-analytic (V-shaped) potentials where the mass threshold is formally infinite. The radiation spectrum in such models is dominated by oscillon-type compact packages. I will discuss these solutions and their interaction which involves a scattering problem considering oscillon-oscillon and oscillon-kink configurations.
9th November 2022, 4pm GMT
Fabrizio Canfora - Analytic techniques in the analysis of solitons in the low energy limit of QCD
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In this talk effective analytic techniques able to disclose relevant physical features of the non-perturbative configurations of the low energy limit of QCD will be introduced. In particular, it will be discussed how such framework allows to analyze explicitly transport properties of Baryonic tubes and layers. The electric and thermal conductivities as well as the shear viscosity of the known analytic hadronic non homogeneous condensates at finite Baryon density in the Skyrme model in (3+1) dimensions will be discussed. The qualitative agreement of the analytic formulas with the phenomenological data will be emphasized.
2nd November 2022, 10am GMT
Benjamin Bode - Stable knots and links in electromagnetic fields
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An electromagnetic field consists of two time-dependent vector fields on ℝ3, namely the electric and the magnetic field, which together satisfy Maxwell's equations. Sets of closed flow lines of a vector field form a link. We show that for every link L there is an electromagnetic field, whose magnetic field has a set of closed flow lines ambient isotopic to L for all time, and whose time evolution is given by pushforwards by a family of diffeomorphisms.
The closed flow lines turn out to be projections of real analytic Legendrian links with respect to the standard contact structure on the 3-sphere.
If time permits, I will also discuss similar stability results for nodal links (or vortex links) that are formed by the zeros of the fields.
26th October 2022 - 10am BST
Albert Samoilenka - Ground state fractal crystals
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Is it possible to have a fractal as a stable state of a classical field theory? Are uniform, wave-like states and solitons all there is to it? We propose a simple continuous-space-discrete-field model whose ground state is a crystal, where each unit cell is a fractal. Based on arXiv:2206.04343.
19th October 2022 - 10am BST
Claire Cisowski - Optical Skyrmions
We introduce a simple mathematical expression based on rational maps to construct ideal paraxial optical skyrmions fields including Neel-type and Bloch-type skyrmions, anti-skyrmions, bimerons and multi-skyrmions, including skyrmion lattices. We review the rules that fully polarized paraxial light fields must obey to be considered as optical skyrmions. This work provides guidelines for the experimental generation of general skyrmion fields, beyond conventional single skyrmion beams. This lays the foundation for the exploration of nucleation and annihilation mechanisms in multiskyrmions fields. Based on arXiv:2207.12741
12th October 2022 - 10am BST
Azadeh Mohammadi - Fermion mediated resonance in fermion-kink systems
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This talk will focus on fermions bound by kink structures. This subject has been considered several times in the literature. However, in many of these studies, the back reaction of the fermions on the kinks has been neglected or considered only in the static case. We included the back reaction of the fermion on the colliding kink-antikink. The fermion field generates a force, either attractive or repulsive, depending on the distribution of the fermion field on kink and antikink. We have shown that the collision and the consequent resonance windows could be highly affected by the presence of the fermion. In this talk, I will also present one of the most fascinating conclusions of our study, which was that the fermion could also mediate the energy exchange mechanism, generating resonance windows even for integrable sine-Gordon model.
28th September 2022 - 10am BST
Tigran Tchrakian - Chern-Simons (CS), Higgs--Chern-Simons (HCS) and Skyrme--Chern-Simons (SCS)
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After some standard definitions, certain examples of solitons in systems featuring Chern-Simons (CS) dynamics are quoted. Specifically, the unusual dependence of the mass on electric-charge and angular momentum are quoted in Abelian gauged 2+1 and 4+1 dimensional models including CS terms. (In the 2+1 dimensional case, also the "baryon number" can change.) Motivated by these results, it is proposed to find CS-like densities for systems in both odd and even dimensions, and all (allowed) gauge groups. The first of these are the Higgs-CS (HCS) densities which result from the dimensional descent of Chern-Pontryagin densities, and the second are the Skyrme-CS (SCS) densities that are extracted from the gauge deformed baryon number densities that are themselves defined in all dimensions and for all (allowed) gauge groups. It turns out that the SCS densities are useful for application in soliton construction, while the HCS find application in Chern-Simons gravities.
Geometric Models of Nuclear Matter Conference
For more details, and a nicer table, go to the Conference Website.
To watch a recorded talk, just click on the talk title.
There are also posters!
1st July 2022 - 2pm BST
SIG X: Luiz Ferreira - A Quasi Self-Dual Skyrme Model
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1st July 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Sven Bjarke Gudnason - Nineteen vortex equations and integrability
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30th June 2022 - 2pm BST
SIG X: Chris Halcrow - Instanton-generated skyrmions for nuclear physics
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30th June 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Patrick Dorey & Tom Romanczukiewicz - Collisions of weakly-bound kinks
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29th June 2022 - 2.30pm BST
SIG X: Alberto Garcia Martin-Caro - Kaon condensation and strangeness in compact stars
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29th June 2022 - 2pm BST
SIG X: Jorge Castelo - Universal relations for rotating boson stars
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29th June 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Peter Forgacs & Lucacs Arpad - Q-balls: Something old and something new, with components one and two
Watch Peter's talk and Arpad's talk on Youtube.
28th June 2022 - 2pm BST
SIG X: Piotr Bizon - Soliton resolution conjecture
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28th June 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Jarah Evslin - A Less Powerful Approach to Quantum Kinks
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27th June 2022 - 2pm BST
SIG X: Zoltan Bajnok & Marton Lajer - Bootstrapping and measuring S-matrices and form factors
Watch Zoltan's talk and Marton's talk on Youtube.
27th June 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Nick Manton - Skyrmion Challenges from Nuclear Physics
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24th June 2022 - 3pm BST
SIG X: Carlos Naya - Hunting 3D solitons in frustrated magnets
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24th June 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Bruno Barton-Singer - Magnetic skyrmion stability
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Open problems:
How are the 'zero tension domain wall' and 'diverging decay lengthscale methods of calculating elliptical instability' related?
Can we model the collapse instability?
Can we find lower-energy periodic groundstates of the chiral magnet than those found so far by using higher charge solutions/varying the lattice properly as well?
23rd June 2022 - 3pm BST
SIG X: Jose Queiruga - Domain wall strings
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23rd June 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Martin Speight - Geometry of vortices on the sphere in the dissolving limit
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22nd June 2022 - 3pm BST
SIG X: Yasha Shnir - Boson stars and hairy black holes
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22nd June 2022 - 11am BST
SIG X: Paul Leask - Skyrmion crystals
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22nd June 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Miguel Huidobro - Asymmetric nuclear EoS and kaon condensation in Skyrme neutron stars
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Open problems:
Is it possible to construct a full EoS (from the crust to high densities) within the Skyrme model?
More nuclear physics observables are needed to constrain the values of the parameters, since NS observations are too not restrictive. A good try could be to fit the compression modulus.
Also the Coulomb energy seems important in the low density regime of the neutron star. Maybe we could be appear to describe the pasta phase structures with the Skyrme model.
21st June 2022 - 3pm BST
SIG X: Dominik Ciurla - Bose-Einstein condensate and a negative radiation pressure
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21st June 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Andy Royston - Quantum Solitons: A Review of the Canonical Transformation Approach
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20th June 2022 - 10am BST
SIG X: Andrzej Wereszczynski - Kink collisions: an overview
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27th April 2022 - 10am BST
Nick Manton - Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Vortices
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The classical statistical mechanics of BPS (Abelian Higgs) vortices was calculated exactly some time ago, assuming purely kinetic dynamics on moduli space. This talk discusses the quantised analogue, where the Hamiltonian is proportional to the Laplace--Beltrami operator on moduli space. The asymptotic partition function at high temperature combines the classical result and the first quantum correction, which depends on a curvature integral. The quantum correction can reverse the sign of the second viral coefficient.
6th April 2022 - 10am BST
Alberto Garcia Martin-Caro and Muigel Huidobro - Quantization and low density regime of Skyrme crystals.
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The Skyrme crystals are periodic, infinitely extended solutions which can be used to describe isospin-symmetric infinite nuclear matter. However, isospin asymmetry must be taken into account for a more accurate description of matter inside neutron stars. In the first part of the talk we will present the results of including the symmetry energy effects via the canonical quantization of collective coordinates of the Skyrme crystals, which also allows us to constrain the parameters of the model with measurements from nuclear experiments. In the second part we will explain the problem of describing the crust of NS with Skyrme crystals, and how a new set of periodic solutions, combined with quantum corrections, can help to solve this problem. Besides, the existence of these new solutions points towards the presence of a transition between different solutions near the crystal energy minimum.
30th March 2022 - 10am BST
Emine Şeyma Kutluk - Adiabatic Solutions in General Relativity as Null Geodesics on the Space of Boundary Diffeomorphisms
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We use Manton approximation for general relativity on manifolds with spatial boundary; which results in a description of the slow-time dependent solutions as null geodesics on the space of boundary diffeomorphisms, with respect to a metric we prove to be composed solely of the boundary data. We show/conjecture how the solutions in the bulk space are fixed via the constraint equations of general relativity. Furthermore, we identify our resulting Lagrangian as a generalized version of the covariantized Lagrangian for continuum mechanics. We study the cases of 3+1 and 2+1 dimensions and show that for the solutions we propose, the -harder to untangle- Hamiltonian constraint becomes the real homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation in the special case of two spatial dimensions.
23rd March 2022 - 10am GMT
Prim Plansangkate - Quadric Ansatz for the mn-dKP Equation and related Einstein-Weyl Spaces
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We consider two multi-dimensional generalisations of the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (dKP) equation. For one of these generalisations, we study solutions which are constant on a central quadric. The quadric ansatz leads to a second order ODE which is equivalent to Painleve I or II for the dKP equation, but fails to pass the Painleve test in higher dimensions. The second generalisation of the dKP equation leads to a class of Einstein-Weyl structures in an arbitrary dimension, which is characterised by the existence of a parallel weighted vector field, together with further holonomy reduction. We obtain an explicit local form for a family of Einstein-Weyl spaces belonging to this class, and depending on one arbitrary function of one variable.
16th March 2022, 10am GMT.
Kaushlendra Kumar - Yang-Mills solutions on Minkowski space via non-compact coset spaces
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We compute solutions of Yang-Mills equation on Minkowski space by foliating different parts of it with non-compact coset spaces arising from the Lorentz group SO(1,3). The interior of the lightcone is foliated with hyperbolic space H3 which is isomorphic to SO(1,3)/SO(3), while the exterior of the lightcone isfoliated with de Sitter space dS3 which is isomorphic to SO(1,3)/SO(1,2). The equivariant reduction of the Yang-Mills system on these coset spaces yields a mechanical system with inverted potential admitting analytic solutions, including the "kink". We also present the energy-momentum tensor for these solutions.
9th March 2022, 10am GMT.
Calum Ross - Calorons and constituent monopoles
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Calorons are instantons on ℝ3×S1, e.g. instantons with a periodic direction. Depending on the size of the circle they can look like instantons on ℝ4 or monopoles on ℝ3. The known examples, such as those due to Krann-van Baal and Lee-Lu, have an interpretation in terms of constituent monopoles. This picture can be formalised to give a construction of SU(2) calorons as a superposition of BPS monopoles and "rotated BPS" monopoles glued into a singular background. The singular background consists of Abelian Dirac monopoles with both positive and negative charges. I will sketch some of the basics about calorons and give an outline of this construction as well as how it can be generalised to G calorons, for G an arbitrary simple group. This is joint work with Lorenzo Foscolo.
2nd March 2022, 10am GMT.
Julien Garaud - Quartic bosonic metallic state and its topological properties
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Superconductivity is an ordered quantum state with a long-range coherence of pairs of electrons, the Cooper pairs, which leads to zero resistivity and diamagnetism. I will present the recent observations of a new resistive state, coined quartic bosonic metal, characterized by the absence of long-range order between Cooper pairs but with order between pairs of pairs.
Unlike the superconductors, which break the U(1) gauge symmetry, this state spontaneously breaks the (discrete) time-reversal symmetry, and exhibits unconventional magnetic properties. I will demonstrate that the quartic bosonic metal state can be effectively accounted for, by a Faddeev-Skyrme-like model for the four-fermion order parameter. Its spectrum of topological excitations is rich, as it hosts domain-walls, magnetic-flux-carrying skyrmions, and most likely hopfions.
23rd February 2022, 10am GMT.
Bruno Barton-Singer - Long-range magnetic soliton interactions and the elliptical instability
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The chiral magnet supports a range of solitons, such as the skyrmion (Q=-1) antiskyrmion (Q=+1) and skyrmionium (Q=0) solutions. When there is a magnetic field applied to the magnet at an arbitrary tilt, skyrmion and antiskyrmion solutions are known to still be stable. Only the interaction potential between two skyrmions in untilted field has been calculated explicitly up until now. Separately, the stability regions of these solitons have been numerically observed but not much explained.
In this talk I will discuss the interaction potential between skyrmions and antiskyrmions in tilted field and the interaction potential in untilted field between more novel configurations. Along the way I will also discuss how we can model the `elliptical instability' of magnetic solitons and thus approximate some boundaries in the phase diagram of the chiral magnet.
16th February 2022, 10am GMT.
Bjarke Gudnason and Chris Halcrow - A Smörgåsbord of Skyrmions
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We study static solutions of the standard Skyrme model with a pion mass. Using approximately 105 pseudo-random initial configurations made of single Skyrmions in the non-symmetrized product Ansatz and an automatic detection of repeated solutions, we find 409 local energy minimizers (Skyrmions) of the model with baryon numbers 1 through 16, of which 385 are new. In particular, we find new solutions for baryon numbers 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. Our results for the number of solutions per baryon number suggest that this number could grow either polynomially or exponentially. We identify new families of solutions: sheets of Skyrmions in synchronized and antisynchronized hexagonal layers (which we call graphene); chains of 2- and 3-tori; chain-like solutions containing a hinge and many clustered Skyrmions. Contrary to common lore, only the B=12 global energy minimizer is made of alpha particles or some chunk of a cubic crystal, whereas the B=9,11,14,15 minimizers contain the B=7 icosahedrally symmetric Skyrmion as a component. The B=10,13,16 are symmetric graphene-like solutions. We find B=5 and B=8 minimizers with numerically indistinguishable energies. The B=8 candidates are the chain of two cubes, which is a chunk of the cubic Skyrme crystal and the fullerene-type ball found originally by the rational map approximation. The B=5 global minimizer is either the well-known D2d symmetric fullerene or a new C2v symmetric solution. Finally, our findings show a large number of solutions have no discrete symmetries or just one symmetry, contrary to the common lore that Skyrmions are highly symmetric configurations.
9th February 2022, 10am GMT.
Steven Cotterill - Predicting the stability of vortons
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In this talk I will be discussing the stability of loops of superconducting cosmic string, known as vortons, to non-axially symmetric perturbations. By calculating a few integrated quantities of straight string solutions we can accurately predict the stability properties of vortons, if they are large enough that the effects of curvature can be neglected. Using this analysis, we have predicted the existence of stable vortons and performed supporting 3D simulations by perturbing our constructed solutions.
8th December 2021, 10am GMT.
Paul Sutcliffe - Boundary metrics on soliton moduli spaces.
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The geodesic approximation to soliton dynamics is extended to situations in which the standard metric is infinite, by considering boundary metrics on soliton moduli spaces. Examples are presented, including a hyperbolic analogue of the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold, relevant to the scattering of a pair of hyperbolic monopoles.
24th November 2021, 10am GMT.
Alberto Alonso Izquierdo - Scattering between wobbling kinks
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The kink-antikink scattering in the φ4-model involves fascinating properties. One of them is the presence of a fractal structure embedded in the final versus initial velocity diagram. The kink reflection processes included in this regime involve n-bounce events where the kink and the antikink collide and bounce back a finite number of times before escaping away. The excitation of the shape modes of the colliding kinks makes that the subsequent collisions in an n-bounce event involve the scattering between wobbling kinks or wobblers. In this talk we shall discuss the scattering between wobblers in the standard φ4 model in two different scenarios, which give rise to constructive or destructive interference between the shape modes at the collision.
17th November 2021, 10am GMT.
Jose Queiruga - Excitations of global vortices
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In this talk I will discuss the spectrum of linearized excitations of global vortices in 2+1 dimensions. After identifying the existence of localized excitation modes, the decay time scale of the first two will be compared with the results given by the numerical evolution of the full non-linear equations. I will show numerically how the interaction of vortices with an external source of radiation or other vortices can excite these modes dynamically. I will also explore the evolution of a network of vortices in an expanding (2+1) dimensional background, in particular, in a radiation dominated universe and analyze the excitation of the internal modes.
10th November 2021, 1pm GMT.
Uri Kol - Duality and Infrared Phenomena in Einstein's Gravity
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In this talk I will describe a phenomenon akin to Electric-Magnetic duality in Einstein's gravity. I will show that a new type of "magnetic" dual gravitational charges generate redundant symmetry transformations which are not part of the standard group of diffeomorphisms. The new gauge symmetry of the metric reveals, in turn, a wide class of IR phenomena including: monopole solutions, double copy structure of scattering amplitudes and more.
3rd November 2021, 1pm GMT.
Masaru Hongo - Instanton, inhomogeneous phase, and Nambu-Goldstone mode in chiral magnets
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The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction, described by a term proportional to the vector product of neighboring spins, is a specific interaction for spin systems to favor inhomogeneous order. In this talk, I will present some interesting analytic results for chiral magnets (or spin systems with the DM interaction) after demonstrating how we can implement the DM interaction into the O(3) nonlinear sigma model. By considering several types of the DM interaction, I will explain various instanton solutions [1] and the inhomogeneous ground states (helical and spiral phases) together with the energy spectrum of the Nambu-Goldstone modes [2].
[1] M. Hongo, T. Fujimori, T. Misumi, M. Nitta, N. Sakai, Phys.Rev.B 101 (2020) 10, 104417
[2] M. Hongo, T. Fujimori, T. Misumi, M. Nitta, N. Sakai, Phys.Rev.B
104 (2021) 13, 134403
27th October 2021, 1pm BST.
Jan Albert - The Abrikosov vortex in curved space
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It is known that when coupled to gravity, 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles can hold a Schwarzschild black hole at their core, realizing a hairy magnetic black hole. In this talk we will try to construct a similar object with Abrikosov vortices. So we will study the Abrikosov vortex in curved space, first in the asymptotically flat case and later in AdS, discussing both singular and non-singular solutions. We will end with some comments on the interpretation of these objects in the context of AdS/CFT, touching on the story of the holographic superconductor.
13th October 2021, 10am BST.
Juan Carlos Criado - Electroweak skyrmions in the HEFT
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We will see how skyrmions, topological solitons originally found in an effective theory for pions, may arise also in the electroweak sector, including a dynamical Higgs boson. A powerful tool for studying them, with applications in many other non-perturbative problems, are neural networks. We will discuss their use in computing the skyrmion solutions and the shape of the energy functional. This allows to find which effective operators can stabilize them. Finally, we will consider some phenomenological aspects of skyrmions: the collider signatures of their stabilizing operators, and their potential as Dark Matter candidates.
6th October 2021, 10am BST.
Kenji Fukushima - Deformation of Skyrmions under a magnetic field and the domain-wall formation
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In a nuclear system with chiral symmetry and a magnetic field, SU(2) symmetry is explicitly broken down to U(1), and the baryon number winding should be changed accordingly. I will first discuss deformation of isolated baryons in a magnetic field and explain two interesting observations; the magnetic assisted confinement and the mass splitting between protons and neutrons by a topological term. I will next discuss the Skyrme Crystals under a magnetic field and show two solutions. One corresponds to deformed nuclear matter and the other to the uniform pionic domain wall. I will finally show the phase diagram as a function of the density and the magnetic field.
SIG IX Schedule
This is a copy of the SIG IX schedule from the SIG website.
All times are European Central Summer Time (Brazil Standard time -5 (6 am/10 am), British Summer Time -1 (10 am/14 pm), China Standard Time + 6 (5 pm/9 pm) and Japan Standard Time + 7 (6 pm/10 pm).Recordings of the talks will appear on this webpage, as well as the official SIG page.
To join a seminar, enter the usual Solitons at Work Zoom room.
Monday 28th June
10.50: Welcome by Kasia Oles and Andrzej Wereszczynski
11.00: Wormholes and Solitons, Nick Manton [Watch].
15.00: Self-Duality: applications of Skyrme theory to nuclear matter, Luiz Ferreira [Watch].
Tuesday 29th June
11.00: Collective coordinate model of kink-antikink collisions in phi^4 theory by Kasia Oles, Tom Romanczukiewicz and Andrzej Wereszczynski [Watch].
15.00: Short talks:
- Yasha Shnir, "Spinning Q-balls and boson stars" [Watch].
- Carlos Naya, "Skyrmion tubes in liquid crystals" [Watch].
- Andy Royston, "Simulating magnetic monopole-defect dynamics" [Watch].
- Andreas Fring, "Degenerate and nonlocal soliton solutions from PT-symmetry" [Watch].
- Paul Leask, "The baby Skyrme crystal" [Watch].
Wednesday 30th June
11.00: Topological Defects in Multicomponent Ginzburg Landau Theory, Martin Speight [Watch].
15.00: The geometry of chiral skyrmion dynamics, Bernd Schroers [Watch].
Thursday 1st July
11.00: Skyrmions from instantons, Josh Cork, Chris Halcrow, Derek Harland and Tom Winyard [Watch].
15.00: Skyrme crystals - nuclear matter and neutron stars, Alberto Garcia Martin-Caro and Miguel Huidobro [Watch].
Friday 2nd July
11.00: Near-BPS (baby) Skyrmions as an approach to nuclear physics, Bjarke Gudnason [Watch].
15.00: Quantum corrections to the ANO vortex, Herbert Weigel [Watch].
16.30: Closing remarks by Nick Manton [Watch].
26th May 2021, 10am BST.
Calum Ross - Magnetic Impurities, Integrable Vortices and the Toda Equation
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The five known integrable Abelian vortex equations are generalised to include magnetic impurities. Exploring this leads to a Tong-Wong type product group gauge theory of coupled vortices. For a suitable choice of charge matrix these coupled vortex equations reduce to either the integrable Toda equation or an opposite sign version. I will sketch this construction and highlight the integrable cases.
19th May 2021, 10am BST.
Daniel Jimenez - Exciting the kink
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In many field theories, solitonic solutions admit localized excitations with unnaturally long lifetimes in their spectrum of perturbations. These bound states may play a significant role in the dynamics of solitons, and in particular, they could shed light on some aspects concerning the evolution of cosmic string networks. As a starting point, we investigate the properties of this type of excitations in the simple case of the (lambda phi^4) theory in 1+1 dimensions. This talk will be devoted to a detailed characterization of the shape mode perturbation of the kink solution. We study its decay rate and its level of excitation in Minkowski spacetime as well as in two cosmological settings: the formation of kinks in a phase transition and the interaction of the kink with a thermal bath.
12th May 2021, 10am BST.
Andreas Fring - Non-Hermitian gauge field theories and BPS limits
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We present an overview of some key results obtained in a recent series devoted to non-Hermitian quantum field theories for which we systematically modify the underlying symmetries. Particular attention is placed on the interplay between the continuous symmetry group that we alter from global to local, from Abelian to non-Abelian, from rank one to generic rank N, and the discrete anti-linear modified CPT-symmetries. The presence of the latter guarantees the reality of the mass spectrum in a certain parameter regime. We investigate the extension of Goldstone's theorem and the Higgs mechanism, which we demonstrate to work in the conventional fashion in the CPT-symmetric regime, but which needs to be modified technically at the standard exceptional points of the mass spectrum and entirely fails at what we refer to as zero exceptional points as well as in the broken CPT-symmetric regime. In the full non-Hermitian non-Abelian gauge theory we identify the t'Hooft-Polyakov monopoles by means of a fourfold Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit. We investigate this limit further for other types of non-Hermitian field theories in 1+1 dimensions that possess complex super-exponential and inverse hyperbolic kink/anti-kink solutions and for 3+1 dimensional Skyrme models for which we find new types of complex solutions, that all have real energies due to the presence of different types of CPT-symmetries.
5th May 2021, 10am BST.
Sven Bjarke Gudnason - 1/2-BPS vortex strings in N=2 supersymmetric U(1)N gauge theories
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Strings in N=2 supersymmetric U(1)N gauge theories with N hypermultiplets are studied in the generic setting of an arbitrary Fayet-Iliopoulos triplet of parameters for each gauge group and an invertible charge matrix. Although the string tension is generically of a square-root form, it turns out that all existing BPS (Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield) solutions have a tension which is linear in the magnetic fluxes, which in turn are linearly related to the winding numbers. The main result is a series of theorems establishing three different kinds of solutions of the so-called constraint equations, which can be pictured as orthogonal directions to the magnetic flux in SU(2)R space. We further prove for all cases, that a seemingly vanishing Bogomol'nyi bound cannot have solutions. Finally, we write down the most general vortex equations in both master form and Taubes-like form. Remarkably, the final vortex equations essentially look Abelian in the sense that there is no trace of the SU(2)R symmetry in the equations, after the constraint equations have been solved.
28th April 2021, 4pm BST.
Bob Decker - Kink-Antikink Initial Conditions and Interactions for Field Theories with Polynomial Tails
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Field theories with polynomial tails, as in the case of the φ8, φ10, and φ12 theories, present new challenges for the computer simulation of interactions involving kinks and antikinks. In particular, a naive sum ansatz of a single kink and antikink is shown to be an inadequate choice on which to base initial conditions. The results contained in a recent paper (and two preceding ones) in which the authors investigate such simulations and methods for generating good initial conditions, will be presented. The meaning of "good" in this context is one primary focus of the talk. It is shown that constrained minimization processes are needed to distill the best possible initial conditions from various ansatze. Some results of resonance windows for these theories will also be discussed.
The talk will be based on our papers:Phys. Rev. D 99, 016010 (2019), https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.03590
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 171601 (2019), https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.07872
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 97 (2021) 105748, https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.00154
21st April 2021, 4pm BST.
Noah Kent - Target skyrmions, topological stability, and hopfions in experimental chiral ferromagnetic systems
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Topologically non-trivial structures in ferromagnetic systems have garnered significant interest in recent years due to their technological potential and interesting mathematical properties. In this talk I will discuss the experimental realization and identification of target skyrmions and hopfions in chiral ferromagnetic Ir/Co/Pt multilayer heterostructures. I will detail how micromagnetic energies are tuned in experimental chiral ferromagnetic systems, how these nanostructures are made with nanofabrication, and how they are identified using multiple types of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism microscopies.
Throughout this talk, I hope to identify some differences between topological theory and scientific experiment; for example in a real magnetic system the stability of topologically non-trivial structures is very important as topological transformations are possible at accessible energies due to the finite scale of the system and discrete nature of the magnetization.
Based on papers: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5099991, and https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-21846-5
7th April 2021, 10am BST.
Andrzej Wereszczynski - (Collapse of) the vibrational moduli space and soliton dynamics
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I will show that thin spectral walls (a long range intersoliton interaction due to a transition of the normal mode to the continuum spectrum) are common phenomena in the dynamics of kinks in (1+1) dimensions. They occur in models based on two or more scalar fields with a nonempty Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) sector, hosting two zero modes, where they are one of the main factors governing the soliton dynamics. I will also show that they can be found as points where the dynamical vibrational moduli space has singularities.
31st March 2021, 10am BST.
Gabriel Luchini - Towards hidden symmetries in gauge theories
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In this talk, we address and solve two long standing problems in non-abelian gauge theories. The first one is the construction of truly gauge invariant electric and magnetic charges that are dynamically conserved. The second one is the proof that the Wu-Yang monopole configuration can only be a consistent solution of pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory if a point source, of a very definite form, is added to it. Those two results were made possible by an educated use of the integral Yang-Mills equations. We end by showing how such integral equations can be used to uncover hidden symmetries of the Yang-Mills theory on loop space.
24th March 2021, 10am GMT.
Jarah Evslin - Quantum Kink States
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We introduce two (compatible) new methods for the treatment of quantum kinks. First, we present a simpler and faster alternative to collective coordinates in which the momentum operator is treated perturbatively. It is less powerful than collective coordinates, but well-suited to certain problems such as finding quantum kink states and mass corrections. Second, we note that if the kink sector Hamiltonian is defined by a unitary transformation on the defining regularized Hamiltonian, then it automatically has the same spectrum and no regulator matching condition need be imposed. This new definition solves a problem from the last century, when it was shown that the usual definition of the kink sector Hamiltonian leads to the wrong quantum kink mass if the theory is regulated with an energy cutoff. We then apply these two advances to calculate two-loop mass corrections to quantum kinks and to compute the corresponding quantum states at two loops. The ground state is treated, as well as states excited by normal modes.
17th March 2021, 10am GMT.
Avner Karasik - Skyrmions, one flavored baryons, and one current to rule them all
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It has been proposed by Komargodski in arxiv.org/abs/1812.09253 that baryons in Nf=1 QCD can be described as singular solitons in the effective theory of the eta' meson. This construction raises the question of continuity between these solitons and the standard skyrmions. I will introduce corrections to the skyrmion current in the effective theory of pions and vector mesons based on the idea of hidden local symmetry. The contribution to the charge from these corrections is non-trivial only for singular configurations as the Nf=1 baryons. This modified current gives a unified picture for the two types of baryons and allows them to continuously transform one to the other in a natural way. The desired corrections can be derived from the effective Lagrangian assuming specific interactions between pions and vector mesons.
Remarkably, these interactions coincide in the large N limit with the phenomenological principle of vector mesons dominance. This coincidence provides an experimental evidence for the construction of Nf=1 baryons, as well as a theoretical explanation to vector dominance.
10th March 2021, 10am GMT.
Yuki Amari - Isolated skyrmions in the CP2 nonlinear sigma model with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya type interaction
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We will discuss an SU(3) generalization of magnetic skyrmions. Magnetic skyrmions are two-dimensional topological solitons, in most cases, stabilized by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. For the SU(3) generalization, we first derive an SU(3) counterpart of the DM interaction from a spin system, as well as the CP^2 nonlinear sigma model simultaneously. Then, we construct soliton solutions in the CP^2 model with the SU(3) symmetric DM-type interaction. This talk is based on our recent paper arXiv:2101.10566.
3rd March 2021, 10am GMT.
Jose Queiruga - Some BPS deformations of the Skyrme model
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I will present several deformations of the Skyrme model in three dimensions with self-dual sectors of arbitrary baryonic charge. I will show that, for a family of background metrics as well as for a family of field dependent couplings, the model has one BPS sector, which may have any topological charge. In the gravitating case I will discuss the possible existence of BPS sectors provided that a cosmological constant is added to the model.
17th February 2021, 10am GMT.
Chris Halcrow - Baby skyrmions from lumps
Watch on YouTube.Consider two baby skyrmions. We understand their interaction when they are widely separated. We also understand what happens when they get close -- they form a ring solution and their individual identities are lost. But how are the separated skyrmions and ring solution connected? How do the degrees of freedom match up as you bring the skyrmions together?
I'll answer this question using lumps, a new approximation which uses a simple map on target space and a new numerical technique. Using these new tools we find new baby skyrmion dynamics and solve the two-baby quantum problem. This is the first time a non-BPS soliton quantum problem has been solved on a manifold with enough degrees of freedom to describe two free solitons.
3rd February 2021, 10am GMT.
Boris Malomed - Multidimensional solitons
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It is commonly known that the interplay of linear and nonlinear effects gives rise to solitons, i.e., self-trapped localized structures, in a wide range of physical settings, including optics, Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), hydrodynamics, plasmas, condensed-matter physics, etc. Nowadays, solitons are considered as an interdisciplinary class of modes, which feature diverse internal structures.
While most experimental realizations and theoretical models of solitons have been elaborated in one-dimensional (1D) settings, a challenging issue is prediction of stable solitons in 2D and 3D media. In particular, multidimensional solitons may carry an intrinsic topological structure in the form of vorticity. In addition to the "simple" vortex solitons, fascinating objects featuring complex structures, such as hopfions, i.e., vortex rings with internal twist, have been predicted too.
A fundamental problem is propensity of multidimensional solitons to being unstable (naturally, solitons with a more sophisticated structure, such as vortex solitons, are more vulnerable to instabilities). Recently, novel perspectives for the creation of stable 2D and 3D solitons were brought to the attention of researchers in optics and BEC. The present talk aims to provide an overview of the main results and ongoing developments in this vast field. An essential conclusion is the benefit offered by the exchange of concepts between different areas, such as optics, BEC, and hydrodynamics.
16th December 2020, 10am GMT.
Andy Royston - Accelerating Solitons
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We review soliton quantization in two-dimensional linear sigma models via the phase space path integral formalism. Working semiclassically, but relaxing the adiabatic assumption, leads to a new saddlepoint equation -- the forced soliton equation -- representing a kink undergoing arbitrary acceleration. We evaluate matrix elements of local operators between soliton states, at leading order in the semiclassical expansion but at arbitrary momentum transfer, in terms of (hypothetical) solutions to the forced soliton equation. Such matrix elements are related, by crossing symmetry, to the creation amplitude for virtual soliton-antisoliton pairs. This talk is based on work done in collaboration with Ilarion Melnikov and Costis Papageorgakis.
9th December 2020, 10am GMT.
Lorenzo Bartolini - Holographic QCD and Skyrmions
We did not record this seminar. Lorenzo gave a similar seminar at the Henan University Math Phys seminar series, which can be found here.
The holographic duality (also known as Gauge/Strings duality) has proven to be a powerful tool to obtain qualitative and often quantitative insights on the physics of strongly coupled systems. In this talk we review the top-down holographic model of QCD developed by Sakai and Sugimoto (after introducing some basic facts about string theory and QCD) with particular attention to the description of baryons and its ties to the concept of the baryon as a topological soliton. Then we show some recent results we obtained within the model: as a first step we show how a generalized Skyrme model is contained as a low energy limit of the Sakai-Sugimoto model, then we proceed to use the full model with an additional theta-term perturbation to compute the deformation of the baryons and the electric dipole moment it induces for the proton and the neutron (and as a result, for the deuteron). Finally, we provide a short overview of the current research areas on which we are employing the holographic approach and discuss their future directions.
2nd December 2020, 10am GMT.
Àrpàd Lukàcs - Q-balls in Abelian gauge theories coupled to U(1)×U(1) symmetric scalar fields
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In a series of recent works, Ishihara and Ogawa have investigated nontopological solitons (Q-balls) in a spontaneously broken Abelian gauge theory coupled to two complex scalar fields. The present paper extends their investigations to the most general U(1)×U(1) symmetric quartic potential. Also, a new class of charged Q-ball solutions with vanishing self-interaction terms is investigated and some of their remarkable properties are exhibited.
25th November 2020, 10am GMT.
Stavros Komineas - Dynamics of skyrmions in ferromagnets
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Both an axially-symmetric topological skyrmion with skyrmion number Q=1 and a non-topological skyrmionium with Q=0 are stable magnetization structures in Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya ferromagnets with easy-axis anisotropy. A topologically trivial (Q=0) configuration in the form of a skyrmion-antiskyrmion pair, called a chiral droplet, is stabilised in the same material.
We study the dynamics of a skyrmion and a skyrmionium under an external field gradient as well as under spin-transfer torque. Our analysis is based on an important link between topology and dynamics which is established through the construction of unambiguous conservation laws. The non-topological Q=0 skyrmionium is accelerated in the direction of the force (the field gradient) thus exhibiting ordinary Newtonian motion. In contrast, the topological Q=1 skyrmion undergoes Hall motion perpendicular to the direction of the force with a drift velocity proportional to it. When the force is switched-off the Q=1 skyrmion is spontaneously pinned whereas the Q=0 skyrmionium continues propagation.
Further, we study the motion of the skyrmionium in the case of spin-transfer torque and observe that this converges to a traveling skyrmionium with a constant velocity. Its velocity is analyzed in two parts: one due to the current flow and a second one acquired by Newtonian acceleration. Similar results are obtained for the chiral droplet.
18th November 2020, 10am GMT.
Maciej Dunajski - Kinks on a wormhole
Watch on YouTubeThe sine-Gordon equation in 1+1 dimensions admits a static kink solution with with topological charge 1. The kinks do not exist in flat d+1 dimensions, where d>1. I shall prove the existence of static kinks on 3+1 dimensional curved wormhole space-time with two asymptotically flat regions, and discuss linear and non-linear stability of the kinks in the sine-Gordon and \phi^4 theory. This is joint work with Piotr Bizon, Michal Kahl, Michal Kowalczyk and Alice Waterhouse.
11th November 2020, 10am GMT.
Yasha Shnir - Solitons, Boson stars and Hairy Black Holes
Watch on YouTubeWe study a new families of stationary rotating axially symmetric hairy black holes which represent solutions of the Einstein-Skyrme model in the Kerr spacetime. We found that the spinning axially symmetric cloudy solutions of the model also exist in the regular asymptotically flat space-time without the event horizon. The latter congurations are similar to the usual rotating boson stars, which, in the at flat space limit are linked to the axially symmetric Q-balls, in both cases the solutions exist for some restricted range of values of the angular frequency and possess a quantized angular momentum. Considering similar solution in the O(3) sigma model, we show that, depending on the values of the parameters of the model and the Hawking temperature, the branch structure of the corresponding cloudy solutions varies from the usual inspirraling pattern, which is typical for the boson stars, to the two branch structure, similar to that of the black holes with Skyrme hairs. As another examples of spinning black holes with synchronized hairs we consider families of parity-odd solutions of the Einstein-Klein-Gordon model. Finally, we discuss Dirac stars and compare their properties with the usual boson stars.
4th November 2020, 10am GMT.
David Ho - The Electroweak Sphaleron in a strong magnetic field
Watch on YouTubeThe Electroweak sphaleron is an unstable solution to the field equations of Electroweak theory and is a source of baryon and lepton number violation in the Standard Model. In this talk, I will present the results of a numerical study into the effect of an external magnetic field on the sphaleron solution. I will show that the sphaleron energy vanishes precisely at the critical field strength where the Higgs symmetry is restored, where there is the potential for unsuppressed baryogenesis. I will also discuss the implications of these results on the possibility of observing sphaleron processes in heavy-ion collisions.
28th October 2020, 10am GMT.
Watch on YouTubeTomasz Romanczukiewicz - Kinky collisions - are we there yet?
I would like to give an overview of what was done in the past with an emphasis on the most recent discoveries. There are a few new angles that can give us some new insight into these perversely complicated collisions of the simplest topological defects.
Henan Seminar: 28th October 2020, 2am GMT(UTC).
Yong-Liang Ma - Dichotomy of Baryons as Quantum Hall Droplets and Skyrmions in Compact-Star Matter
We discuss the ``sheet structure" of compressed baryonic matter possibly present in massive compact stars in terms of quantum Hall droplets and skyrmions for baryons in medium. The theoretical framework is anchored on a generalized scale symmetric hidden local symmetry that encompasses standard nuclear effective field theory (sEFT) and can access the density regimes relevant to massive compact stars. It hints at a basically different, hitherto unexplored structure of the densest baryonic matter stable against collapse to black hole. Hidden scale symmetry and hidden local symmetry together in nuclear effective field theory are seen to play a potentially crucial role in providing the hadron-quark duality in compressed baryonic matter.
30th September 2020, 10am BST.
Rene Garcia-Lara - Asymetric vortex-antivortex pairs of a gauged O(3) Sigma model
Watch on YouTube.Vortices of the gauged O(3) Sigma model are topological solitons appearing after breaking scale invariance in the model with the addition of a convenient potential term. At critical coupling, the model admits BPS static solutions forming a moduli space which carries a complex structure and a Kahler metric. In general, the moduli space of k+ vortices and k- antivortices is incomplete due to the impossibility of a vortex and an antivortex to coalesce. Shifting the vacuum manifold by a constant displacement tau, we obtain an asymmetric model in which vortices and antivortices have different effective mass and size. I will review the model and the L2 metric, and then explain how the governing elliptic problem relates to the properties of the metric for vortices and antivortices on the plane, concluding with some numerical results comparing the properties of the metric for different values of tau.
30th September 2020, 10am BST.
Marco Barsanti - Near-BPS baby skyrmions and nuclear matter
Watch on YouTube.The Skyrme model is a good candidate for describing the low-energy phase of QCD. It consists of a meson field theory whose static classical solutions are stable due to their geometrical properties. These "collective excitations" of the meson field, known as topological solitons, are called Skyrmions and they are supposed to describe the baryons and nuclei. Beyond the various successful results in the description of the nuclear matter, one of the main problems remains the too large binding energy predicted by the model for the nuclei. To this end, we proposed a field theory, known as "near-BPS model", that is supposed to resolve this problem.
23rd September 2020, 10am BST.
Miguel Huidobro Garcia and Alberto Garcia Martin-Caro - Neutron star properties from a generalized Skyrme model
Watch on YouTube.In this talk we will review the generalized Skyrme model ---the standard Skyrme model plus the sextic term--- as a suitable description of nuclear matter inside Neutron Stars (NS).
In the first part, we will follow previous approaches to obtain the Equation Of State (EOS) of nuclear matter at supranuclear densities based on Skyrmion crystals as well as fluid-like BPS solutions, and propose a new EOS based on the generalized Skyrme model that takes into account both crystalline and BPS properties at different pressure regimes.
In the second part, we will show how we can constrain the values of the free parameters of this new EOS by fitting some observable properties of stars, such as maximum masses and deformability, to the most recent observations of NS properties from the gravitational wave data of binary NS mergers.
16th September 2020, 10am BST.
Bruno Barton-Singer - Forces between well-separated magnetic skyrmions
Magnetic skyrmions are topologically non-trivial solutions to the 2D chiral magnet energy functional, similar to baby skyrmions but supported by the first-order Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) rather than a fourth-order term. This DMI can be interpreted as an SU(2) gauging of the O(3) sigma model.
Like baby skyrmions, their interaction forces can be calculated asymptotically based on certain approximations, and the DMI leads to an interaction energy that looks like a U(1) gauging of the baby skyrmion interaction energy. In this talk I will derive and apply this formula to a particular case, of skyrmions interacting in a background tilted magnetic field, and compare it to numerical results from the paper 'Turning a chiral skyrmion inside out' . The interaction has an unusual oscillating form.
16th September 2020, 10am BST.
Calum Ross - Magnetic skyrmions in solvable chiral magnets
In a previous talk in this series we met a two dimensional model of chiral magnets which is of Bogomol'nyi type. I will review this model before discussing a more general model, the solvable line, where we can construct exact single skyrmion solutions. Armed with these exact skyrmion configurations I want to present a first attempt at studying the interactions of these skyrmion configurations. Finally we can use the results about the interaction energy to try to construct a skyrmion lattice state, which is a candidate ground state for the model in particular parameter regions. This is based on joint work with Norisuke Sakai and Muneto Nitta contained in arXiv: 2003.07147.
9th September 2020, 10am BST.
Nick Manton and Katarzyna Oles - Collective Coordinate Geometry for Kinks and Antikinks
Watch on YouTube.We consider different possibilities for moduli spaces (collective coordinate manifolds) modelling kink-antikink(-kink) dynamics in sine-Gordon and phi^4 theory. The simplest construction based on a superposition of exact kink and antikink solutions can sometimes be improved by including a weight factor and/or by redefining the moduli. This allows us to solve the long-standing null vector problem for the superposed shape modes in phi^4 theory. In certain cases, a kink-antikink collision can be interpreted as a 90-degree scattering of the complexified kink position (separation).
2nd September 2020, 10am BST.
Jack McKenna - Fermions with background baby Skyrmion on S^2
Watch on YouTube.Fermions coupled to topological solitons can feature zero-energy modes, physically interpreted as bound states where the fermion is localised by the soliton. In some examples of Skyrmions and baby Skyrmions, it is known that these modes have zero energy for a critical value of the coupling constant. On S^3, the fermion coupled to a symmetric Skyrmion features a "chiral shift" where this localised mode, as well as some energy spectra for other modes, are asymmetric in their dependence on the coupling constant. I will briefly discuss my progress and some preliminary results in exploring the analogous system one dimension lower, of a fermion coupled to a baby Skyrmion on S^2.
2nd September 2020, 10am BST.
Josh Cork - A model for gauged skyrmions with low binding energies
Watch on YouTube.One of the major drawbacks of the Skyrme model is how it severely overestimates nuclear binding energies when compared to experimental results. One of the many proposed modifications for remedying this is a model introduced by Sutcliffe, derived from dimensional reduction of Yang-Mills theory on \mathbb{R}^4. The same approach can be applied to Yang-Mills theory on S^1\times\mathbb{R}^3, from which one obtains an SU(2) gauged Skyrme model. SU(2) instantons on S^1\times\mathbb{R}^3, also known as calorons, are natural examples from which to approximate gauged skyrmions, whose boundary conditions break the gauge group to U(1), and thus provide a natural way to incorporate an electromagnetic field into the Skyrme model. In this talk, I will present some joint work with Derek Harland, and Thomas Winyard, where we consider skyrmions generated from calorons with non-trivial holonomy, which we have used as a 'toy model' for calibrating the gauged model to optimise the ratio Energy/(Lower bound), with a view to developing a U(1) gauged Skyrme model with low binding energies.
26th August 2020, 10am BST.
Derek Harland and Chris Halcrow - The nucleon-nucleon interaction from Skyrmions
Watch on YouTube.In nuclear physics, one tries to describe the properties of atomic nuclei starting from the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction. Hence the NN problem is often called the fundamental problem in nuclear physics and its successful derivation from the Skyrme model would be a major success. Unfortunately, previous attempts have struggled to describe important and well-established features, such as the (isoscalar) spin-orbit interaction. Our new approach overcomes many of these problems. It shows that previous difficulties were a result of over-reliance on the product approximation, rather than problems with the Skyrme model itself.
19th August 2020, 10am BST.
Andrzej Wereszczynski - The Skyrme model with running coupling constants
Watch on YouTube.I will discuss the Skyrme model where both the kinetic term and the Skyrme term are multiplied by field-dependent coupling functions. For suitable choices, this "dielectric Skyrme model" has static solutions saturating the pertinent topological bound in the sector of baryon number B = ±1. Higher charge field configurations are unbound, and loosely bound higher skyrmions can be achieved by small deformations of this dielectric Skyrme model.
I will also consider inclusion of the sextic and the potential term and a possible relation with in-medium properties of chiral solitons.
12th August 2020, 10am BST.
Bernd Schroers - Magnetic Skyrmions andd Chiral Kinks
Chiral magnetic skyrmions are topological solitons in two-dimensional magnetic systems which are stabilised by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). For each DMI term, there is a model for magnetic skyrmions which is of Bogomol'nyi type and where solitons can be written down explicitly in terms of holomorphic functions. In this talk I will explain how these exact solutions can be used as initial configurations in a numerical scheme to obtain magnetic skyrmions away from the Bogomol'nyi point. This approach reveals a remarkable diversity of magnetic skyrmions and suggests a new way of interpreting their structure. In particular, configurations with positive topological charge are best understood in terms of one-dimensional domain walls carrying chiral kinks. I will explain this point of view, and speculate about possible generalisations. The talk is based on joint work with Vlad Kuchkin, Bruno Barton-Singer, Filipp Rybakov, Stefan Bluegel and Nikolai Kiselev, and on arxiv preprint 2007.06260.